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In 2019, there was an estimated 15,443 burglaries in Kentucky, according to Data Commons

I don’t know about you, but that’s quite a high number.

And while many break-ins are difficult to stop, at least without someone becoming hurt, there are certain things you can do to keep your valuables safe at home. 

Besides, a lot of burglaries actually happen during the day when people are at work and when people are on vacation

Nevertheless, knowing how to keep valuables safe at home is key – here are a few ways to you can protect your jewelry and other belongings. 

Keep your valuables out of sight 

The best thing you can do to protect your home from burglary is to place valuable items and belongings out of sight.

Keep these away from windows, don’t leave jewelry lying around, and make sure they can’t be seen from outside.

Removing valuables out of sight decreases the likelihood of a burglary as the perpetrator won’t be able to see anything valuable. It sounds simple, but it’s super effective.

Top tip: when traveling, don’t leave any valuables in your vehicle, either. Or, if you do, keep these out of sight. But usually, it’s best to take them with you.

Where can you hide your valuables?

Good question! If you’re not going to leave them scattered around the home, then you’re going to need a few hiding places.

We have a few useful hiding spots you can use, including:

  • In cupboards and drawers out of sight
  • In a safe (if you have one)
  • In the loft – burglars are unlikely to venture into the loft for risk of becoming trapped.

You can also keep your valuables safe by hiding them in your kid’s rooms. Just make sure they’re out of sight, and your child doesn’t know about them, perhaps in a closet in a box where they can’t reach.

Consider a safety deposit box 

If you’re going away for a while, perhaps on vacation, then it may be worth storing your valuables in a safety deposit box with the bank.

Obviously, this doesn’t apply to jewelry that you wear, but if you’ve got anything immensely valuable or sentimental lying around, then it may be worth the investment.

To inquire about a safety deposit box, you should contact your bank. You can also consider a home safe.

Keep your valuables safe at home by upgrading your locks 

If your locks haven’t been changed in years, or perhaps they’ve never been changed, then chances are they’re not as strong as they used to be. Therefore, they could be due an upgrade.

Upgrading your locks is a relatively inexpensive task. But the safety it provides is invaluable. 

You can also further increase the security of your home and protect your valuables by installing smart door locks and motion sensors. These two upgrades work hand in hand and are very effective. 

Also, although it sounds simple, it’s essential to make sure your doors are properly locked before leaving your home and before bed. The handle needs to be lifted all the way up – doorknob locks are also useful!

Set up a smart home security system to keep your valuables safe at home 

Not only does a smart home security system protect your home, but it also helps you keep your valuables safe.

With peace of mind if an incident was to occur, you can rest assured knowing exactly what is happening or what happened.

According to Safewise, up to 60% of burglars would be deterred by a home security system. 

The results speak for themselves, upgrade to a security system, and protect your property. We promise it’s a great investment. 

Some security systems can also be set up and installed to contact the police if the alarm is not turned off within a set time. But this must be installed with an authorized provider and installer – this isn’t something you can do yourself.

The bottom line 

This article has provided you with actionable tips on how to keep valuables safe at home. There are numerous things you can do. But it mainly comes down to keeping your belongings out of sight and improving the general security of your property.

If you’re looking for even more ways to take your home security to the next level, then contact the team at Kentucky Secured today

Alternatively, shop our full range of security systems.

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