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The debate between wired and wireless house alarm systems has been going on for years. However, both options have key benefits and downsides. Perhaps you’re considering installing a new alarm system, but you’re curious as to which one you should choose.

It can be difficult to decide, especially if you’re unsure of the unobvious benefits. Therefore, this blog post will highlight everything you need to know about both options, helping you make the right decision for your home or property.

Wired house alarm systems are more reliable

To start things off, wired house alarm systems are much more reliable than wireless ones. This is because often, wireless systems run on a wifi connection. Therefore, if your internet is to drop during the night or when you are out, the alarm may unset itself or not go off at all in the event of a break-in. 

Hard-wired alarm systems, on the other hand, only do not work if the power is cut and does not require an internet connection. Similarly, these often have backup batteries or other emergency power supplies, further increasing your safety.

Please note: you can also get wireless units that do not require an internet connection, but this just depends on the brand of alarm you choose.

Wireless systems are more convenient 

Although wired alarms may be more reliable, there’s no denying the impressive convenience of a wireless system. For example, these systems can be installed in much more remote places, as long as you have a connection.

Also, wireless systems can be installed much quicker, as often, this is just a case of connecting the sensors and installing the wireless unit, as opposed to hard wiring the alarm system.

They both contain the same technology 

Both the wired and wireless house alarm systems contain virtually the same technology. So, this should not be a deciding factor when choosing which alarm is best for your property. If we had to choose between the two, we’d likely recommend a wireless unit, such as a command center. This system can also be connected to other smart technologies around the home, including lights, door locks, security cameras, and even adjusting the temperature for a good night’s sleep.

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